You know what they say about opinions: They're where thought goes to die.

Toastyfrog benutzt Macs


Jetzt geht’s wieder los: Ein Jahr jeden morgen sabbernd an den Rechner und gucken ob’s Neuigkeiten gibt. Die Demo zu Dragon Quest VIII hat mich ja zurückschrecken lassen, aber Tims Kommentare haben mir wieder Zuversicht vermittelt:

Oh hell. Last night, it happened. Please, if you have not already been frothing like half-breed hyena-jackals, please begin. This is the Game of the Decade. Best Final Fantasy ever, et cetera. My review, should I start to write it now, would be so full of screams and spurts that it would be parodied for centuries. . . . I must complete the game. Anyway, as I said, I’d inform you if the plot took a nosedive. Well — it did. Only . . . it’s not a bad nosedive at all. In fact, it ranks up there with the most brilliant nosedives in civilized fiction. OHOHOH Will not spoil!! Holy hell!! Update: Mehr Impressions von Jeremy Parish Tims Half-Review aus dem Forum macht mich ganz gibbelig Toastyfrog Teil 3 und Teil 4